A downloadable United army game for Windows, macOS, and Linux

This is Sapro-Fight! You play as a fungus trying to infect all ant hills in your area.
 Use your mind controlled ants to act as one body and infect everything.

You use your mouse and pointer to play this game.

Your goal is to infect all ant hills in the game.


From left to right.

Move -- Pretty self explanatory

Infect -- Infect ant hills or ants. Ant will take two hits to infect and ant hills take three hits to infect. Ant hills infected will display a number over them

Reproduce -- Makes more ants. You must take the yellow mushrooms to ant hills to reproduce ants. If an ant is too close to an ant hill the hill will not reproduce ants.

Guard -- Prevent your army from taking as much damage.


Sapro-Fight Linux.zip 13 MB
Sapro-Fight Mac.zip 13 MB
Sapro-Fight Windows.zip 11 MB

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